IATSE National Health and Welfare Fund Plan C CAPP Statements for the July 2020 Coverage Quarter are Now Available for Viewing

Please note, as previously announced, no co-payment is due at this time, if you owed one, to remain in your current coverage option.  Click here to view the prior announcement. If you would like to downgrade your coverage, please contact psc@iatsenbf.org via email to do so.  Otherwise, your current coverage selection will continue through the end of September 2020. You can view your statement on the web by visiting www.iatsenbf.org and logging into your account.

In addition to the COVID-19 updates we provide on our website, there is also a website IATSE has set up to obtain COVID19 specific information. This website is also for members to create a buddy system to check in on older, disabled or at-risk members along with a delivery system and volunteer database.  The link will be accessible on our website menu bar until the pandemic passes.

Check it out: https://iatsecares.org/about/