• Extended Relief for Health & Welfare Plan A Participants for June and July
  • Status of Further Relief For Health & Welfare Plans A and C
  • Relief for Permanent Breaks in Service in the National Pension Fund

Health Plan A and Plan C
As you are aware, as a result of the Plan C CAPP rate relief adopted by the Health Fund’s Board of Trustees for the quarter beginning July 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Plan C participants remain covered through September 30, 2020. In addition, eligible Health Plan A participants were granted credit for 10 days of work per month for March, April, and May 2020 to assist them in remaining covered.

We are writing to let you know that, at their recent Board meeting, the Trustees further agreed that Plan A participants who were enrolled in Plan A coverage on March 1, 2020 and received employer contributions to Health Plan A in 2020 will receive an additional crediting of 10 days of work for June and July, in order to assist with continued coverage.  

In addition, the Trustees are continuing to work diligently to consider reasonable and cost effective options for ensuring coverage for Plan C participants for the quarter beginning October 1 as well as further relief for Plan A participants beyond the monthly work credits through July, while monitoring possible federal legislation that may be helpful to the Fund’s participants, which is expected in early August. 

Pension Plan B and Plan C
The Trustees agreed to relief for non-vested participants who would otherwise lose credits earned in the National Pension Fund (under the Plans’ permanent break in service rules) due to the pandemic.  The Trustees agreed that anyone who had incurred, immediately prior to 2020, four (4) consecutive one year breaks in service will not incur a break in service for 2020 due to not working at least 37.5 days in 2020, provided they return to work and earn at least 37.5 days in 2021. Such participants therefore will not forfeit prior earned credits due to insufficient credit for work in 2020 as long as they work at least 37.5 days in 2021. 

We hope these changes help assure you that the Board of Trustees is continually monitoring your needs during this unprecedented time.  As more changes occur, we will continue to communicate with you.  Check our website, www.iatsenbf.org, frequently for updates.  

Dear Brothers, Sisters, and Kin,

On July 1, 2020, the IATSE West Coast Office will be hosting another Food Bank Drive Thru sponsored by the LA County Fed & LA Food Bank. This food drive will be open to all Entertainment Industry Union Kin. No membership ID will be required to receive food.

When: Wednesday, July 1, 2020. 9am-12pm

NEW: In order to decrease traffic delays in and around the West Coast Office, Locals will be given individual time slots for their members to drive through the Food Drive. Please see the time slots below:

LOCALS: 33, 44, 80, 600, 695, 700

LOCALS: 705, 706, 728, 729, 768

LOCALS: 800, 857, 871, 884, 892, B192

Location: 2210 W. Olive Ave Burbank CA 91506

Volunteer Information: Due to social distancing, we can only allow so many volunteers to help. Please click the link below to sign up for a volunteer shift. The volunteers will be chosen on a first come, first serve basis. Volunteers must be okay with lifting 30 pound boxes and/or standing for up to 5 hours. A confirmation email will be sent to all volunteers at the provided email address. Volunteers that report without aconfirmation email will not be allowed to volunteer in order that we may maintain social distancing.

Volunteer Sign-Up
Safety Information: CDC safety guidelines will be practiced on site. Volunteers will be wearing face masks, gloves and social distancing will be enforced. To keep our volunteers and attendees safe, this food drive will be a no contact pickup. While no one will be turned away, we strongly advise attendees to arrive in a vehicle. Members will enter the West Coast Office parking lot off of Olive Avenue, a volunteer will load a box of food into their trunk, and then members MUST exit right onto W. Oak Street. Volunteers will be directing traffic throughout the pick-up line but please see the diagram below for clarification.

In Solidarity,
Ron Garcia
International Representative
IATSE West Coast Office

2210 W. Olive Avenue, 2nd Floor
Burbank, CA 91506
Tel: (818) 980-3499
Fax: (818) 980-3496