Availability List Info
The following is an explanation of the procedures for using our Availability Lists.
The Availability Lists, some time ago established by our executive board, keep employers informed of which union members are available for work.
One list is for those seeking full-time employment; the other is for those seeking calls, which may be four-hour or seven-hour calls. You can be on either or both lists. Each list includes your name, telephone number and the last venue you worked.
The lists are updated, published and distributed on the 1st of each month. You must contact the local by the last day of the month to be included on the next month’s lists. However, if you’re laid off, you can contact the local immediately – we update, publish and distribute the lists throughout the month to reflect any layoffs.
When you request to be included on the lists, please provide us with your current contact information and specify whether you’re seeking full-time employment or calls – or both.
(818) 990-7107 phone
(818) 990-8287 fax
13245 Riverside Drive, Suite 350
ShermanOaks, CA 91423